What Are The Prohibited Shoes For Driving?

Despite the fact that at certain times of the year we seek comfort in footwear, when driving we must take safety into account at all times; But if this fact is not important enough yet, you can add the danger of receiving a financial sanction for not wearing the right shoes
What are the prohibited shoes for driving?

To drive we have to be safe and comfortable at all times in order to avoid accidents that could harm ourselves or others. One of the most important factors in this matter is the type of footwear we wear. Did you know that there are several prohibited shoes for driving? We reveal them to you.

Shoes forbidden to drive

Security boots

It may sound strange to you to see this type of footwear as prohibited shoes for driving, but although they are mandatory in many sectors, such as construction, they are not suitable for driving. And not only that, but if they see you with them, they can give you a considerable fine.


Why? Being so attached and rigid, the foot does not allow it to have mobility, so in an emergency, you will not be able to react as expected. Also the sensitivity of the foot with the pedal will be practically nullified, which will not allow you to know the movements you are making and you could make some inappropriate ones that endanger your physical integrity.

Flip flops

Sure you have heard about the dangers of driving with flip flops, but it is a common mistake that we make without realizing it. It is very uncomfortable when we go to the beach, to wear extra shoes to drive that later we will have to change for flip-flops, but it is necessary.

With flip-flops, the foot is too loose, contrary to what happens with safety boots, which can cause the foot to go out of control, slip out of the shoe, or cause it to bend and get under the pedal.

As a general rule, this type of footwear is made entirely of plastic, so when the foot sweats due to the summer heat, it can slip and that would give us a good scare. Even if the flip-flops were made of leather or any other material, the support of the foot is minimal and that is why they are still prohibited.


Despite the fact that many women are experts in walking and driving with heart attack heels, these shoes are forbidden to drive because they are too dangerous. The point of support of the foot on the pedals should be the front and the sole of the foot, but this area is modified and remains high when wearing heels, which reduces control over driving.

All this without counting that the heels can get under the pedals and prevent us from accelerating, or worse, braking when we need it.


Although this is not a type of footwear but the absence of it, we could not stop talking about it in this article, since there are not a few people who, when their feet hurt with the shoes they wear, decide to take off their shoes to drive.

Dangers of driving barefoot.

The sensitivity of the feet can lead to discomfort and even extreme pain in them due to the pressure with the pedals and the sweat would make them slip, so that control over driving would be lost again, exposing us to an accident.

In all these cases, it is not only forbidden to drive in this way, but doing so entails fines of considerable amounts and the loss of license points. But the most important thing is not this, but you will be putting your life at risk, and that of others, whether they are those who travel with you, or those who are on the road.

What are the best shoes for driving

In the same way that on long trips we must choose the most comfortable clothes to drive and travel, the shoes must meet the same characteristics.

Driving shoes

Think that the type of shoes you choose must meet several requirements:

  • Keep the foot attached
  • Be light and flexible
  • Allow you to feel the sensitivity with the pedals
  • Give the foot room for movement

It is highly recommended to drive with running- type sports shoes  for example, although there are many other shoes that meet the characteristics mentioned above and that you can choose from. Use common sense and avoid those that are forbidden, so you will not only avoid fines but also protect your life, that of yours and that of others.

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