The Controversy Of The Pit Babes

The employment that was being given to the image hostesses in the motor world has aroused rejection by a good part of the fans; That is why in Formula 1 they have been banned, although it is a decision that requires a solution to be rethought to cover their functions
The controversy of the pit babes

As has already happened in other motor categories, such as Moto GP, part of the fans raised their complaints to the organizers to show them their disagreement with the role that pit babes were playing on Formula 1 circuits.

The origin of the controversy is clear, and it is evident how in competitions these hostesses are shown as a purely aesthetic product that ‘adorns’ the start runway.

Eliminating pit babes

Liberty Media promised to study the situation and listen to all parties involved before making a decision. After doing so, he has opted for the permanent elimination of the grid girls , also known as pit bab es . The choice was not easy and the most critical have not been slow to show their disagreement.

There are many who argue that there were other less extreme exits that did not go through sending all those women to unemployment. When the controversy broke out, they were the first to raise their voices to beg not to be prevented from doing the work that fed them.

Possible alternatives to pit babes

Foot signs can be used to post driver numbers on the grid, or champagne bottles can be left on the ground on the podium. How is the job of the pit babes going to be done now?

Pit babes in cars

An interesting question would be to know how they are going to fill that vacancy that they leave, because they were not just hanging out. And especially, who is going to do it? They can’t put women back, which is obvious, but if they only choose men, wouldn’t they be discriminating as well? These types of debates are always complicated, and solutions are being established little by little and, usually, not to everyone’s taste.

What is clear is that it is a controversial issue and that Liberty Media, as the new owner of the category, wants to be in everything and not stop listening to the fans. However, they will also have to learn to mediate. Not everything that was done before his arrival was wrong, not everything is black or white, and there is a fabulous gray scale to choose from.

Pit babes’ own opinions

Marina, a former image stewardess, has worked at the Montmeló motorcycle grand prix. He highlights it before expressing his position on the eradication of grill hostesses. “As there will be no equality, and there will never be men and women as hostesses, it seems good to me that it disappears, just as it would seem good to me if Miss Spain disappeared, for example,” he says.

Pit babes on motorcycles

“They are a bit outdated.” Although Marina assures that they have always treated her well, she says that there are colleagues of hers who have had a worse time. “What you would have to do is treat the stewardess with respect, but since you don’t do it better, you still have to remove it.”

The use of hostesses was something that had been screeching for a long time, especially in younger minds. This dissatisfaction was reflected when one of the most criticized customs of cycling was eliminated, that of two women kissing the winner of the stage.

Boys as an alternative to pit babes

In this way, it is intended to solve the vacancy that had been left after the farewell of the girls on the grid, and in turn give the younger fans the opportunity to be close to their heroes. Or at least, that is what Liberty Media alleges, that it does not end with a controversy when it is already involved in the next one.

It is already done in other categories such as Formula E, but it is still a controversial decision. It is not clear to the fans and, without a doubt, this is only the beginning of the story.

Liberty Media and the International Automobile Federation (FIA), which is also part of the initiative, have limited themselves to giving the news, but have not gone into details that, although one day they were insignificant, perhaps today they are not so much.

What clothes will the children wear? Will it be different for boys and girls? Will they make distinctions by gender when organizing them on the grill? Of course, the controversy can go on for as long as they want.

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