Tips For Taking Care Of Health With Air Conditioning

Colds and sore throats are usually the price we pay for air conditioning in the car in hot weather, but with some advice it will be more likely to avoid these bad consequences for our health
Tips for caring for your health with air conditioning

Is air conditioning, especially in cars, harmful to health? Previously, a type of gas was used that not only damaged the ozone layer but also health. Over the years this aspect has changed and nowadays it does not represent a danger to people.

However, beyond these advances, it is always advisable to put into practice some basic tips or advice to take care of your health with the air conditioning.

How does air conditioning affect people’s health?

It is a reality that air conditioning pollution has a negative influence on people’s health. In this sense, the ionic load of the air is, in part, one of the main causes of headaches, general malaise, allergies, asthma, depression, irritability, panic and drowsiness.

Hours of sleep for driving

All these effects usually appear when the balance between protons and electrons is broken and as a consequence the air is filled with an ionic charge.

On the other hand, negative ions clean the environment and thus prevent the proliferation of different types of viruses and bacteria. In the presence of negative ions, the body reacts positively, favoring biological processes and generating a feeling of general well-being.

It must be remembered that the positive and negative effects on ionization, both positive and negative, is a well-known topic, discussed and studied for many years.

Previously, taking care of your health with air conditioning was a bit complicated. Especially since in the case of cars a type of gas known as Freon R-12 was used, which was harmful to health.

This freon gas had the presence of one of the best known carcinogens, benzene; Fortunately, today the type of air used is much more environmentally friendly and does not represent a health hazard.

Tips to take care of your health with the air conditioning

In order to take care of health with the air conditioning, it is necessary for the driver to pay attention to the different signals that it usually generates when it does not work properly. From unusual sounds to bad smells, these are some of the signs that something is not working very well.

Fogged glass

Foggy glass or glass is a clear sign that the air conditioning mechanism is not working properly. In this particular case , it may indicate that the filter of the same is clogged or dirty, so the air flow decreases drastically.

Foggy car glass.

Fan and compressor

Another of the most common signs that indicate a malfunction of the air conditioner is when the compressor is activated for much longer than normal and more frequently.

The biggest indicator of it is that fuel consumption increases significantly. On the other hand, the compressor can also generate louder or unusual sounds, caused by a clogged fan or by problems in the regulation of the air conditioning.

Air conditioner

One of the most obvious changes occurs when the air conditioner does not cool as before. Although aspects such as outside heat must be taken into account, a test that can be done is to place a thermometer at the air outlet for about 10 minutes.

With these checks we will determine if you have the selected temperature. If this temperature is not achieved even with the air conditioning on, it may be a problem with the filter or the compressor.

Bad smells

When the evaporator does not work well, bad odors can be generated inside the vehicle. Generally, these are produced by dust and dirt in general, which facilitates the development of fungi and bacteria.

This bad odor is one of the aspects that must be taken care of the most, and failure to do so can lead to serious health problems.

Connect the air regularly

One of the best tips for taking care of your health with your air conditioner is to turn it on regularly, even in the coldest seasons like winter.

The main objective of turning on the air is to enhance its circulation, ensure proper functioning and prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi that are harmful to health.

Although air conditioners currently do not represent a serious problem for well-being and health in general, it is also true that their correct operation must be taken care of.

Using these simple tips, the driver can check if something is not working properly and take the necessary corrective actions.

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