6 Precautions To Take When Driving At Dusk

The reflections of the sun can play a trick on us at the wheel, so driving at dusk is something that whenever we can we should avoid and choose a quieter time and with greater visibility
6 precautions you should take when driving at sunset

We all have our preferences when it comes to choosing a time to drive, some early, others in the afternoon and some at night. But if there is one thing that many of us agree on, it is that driving at dusk is one of the least advisable hours to do so.

Why is it dangerous to drive at dusk and dawn?

It is so difficult to do it both at sunset and at sunrise. This happens because at both times of the day our main sense for driving is damaged: sight.

Although other senses of our body are involved in driving, vision is the most important, and when something clouds or bothers it, things get difficult.

In fact, many of the accidents that occur in the world are caused at these times of the day because although it seems that it is still daylight, natural light decreases greatly, and therefore our visibility.

Dusk on the road causes poor visibility.

This decrease in vision capacity makes us see cyclists, pedestrians and even other vehicles more slowly.

This without adding that the reflection of the sun in both moments can dazzle us, leading us to a temporary blindness that could cost us our lives. Therefore, to make everything easier and you can avoid possible accidents, take these tips into account.

Put the lights on

As we mentioned before, natural light is much less powerful at these times of the day, so an artificial help with the lights of our vehicle will not hurt. These should be the crossovers and never the positions, as the latter would not be helpful at all.

Turning on the lights of our car will help us to be seen by other vehicles and to be able to see more easily what we have in front of us. In addition, this is mandatory and if you do not do it you could have a fine of 200 euros and the withdrawal of two points from the card.

If you can stop

Sometimes we have no choice but to continue on our way because we have been caught on a road with no hard shoulder and where there is no exit to turn off. But if this is not the case, stop. You already know that sunset or sunrise is a matter of between seven and ten minutes.

It is better to deviate on an exit, wait for these minutes even if it means that we are late to the place we are going to risk our lives because we do not feel safe when driving.

Get out sooner or later

The same case as the previous one could be the other way around. You could wait at your destination for the moment to pass, or you could arrive at your destination before sunset or sunrise. This may waste a few minutes but you will avoid driving at the most dangerous times of the day.


Make sure your parasols are in good condition and use them whenever you see fit. It is also important that your windshield is clean and that you have applied an anti-glare product to avoid glare.

Speed ​​down

Due to low visibility it is advisable to slow down a bit so that you can drive more safely and allow others to see you. This will prevent accidents.

Wear sunglasses

Young guy driving with sunglasses.

Good sunglasses at these two times of the day will help you drive safer. Wear sunglasses with filter 3 and if possible with polarized lenses which prevent reflections.

Do not be afraid to drive at sunset, you see that by taking a series of precautions you can achieve it successfully. Although you already know that “prevention is better than cure”, so we recommend that if you can avoid driving at those hours, it is preferable to choose another time.

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