Meet The Aston Martin Flying Car

Not only does the Aston Martin flying car exist, but there are already other projects that could soon be launched and hit the market.
Meet Aston Martin's flying car

Not long ago we brought you up to speed on Uber’s new flying taxi. Well, today we are talking about the work of art that emerged from the union of two great motorsport gods: Aston Martin and Rolls Royce, although this incredible invention is called the Aston Martin flying car. Do you want to know more about him?

Will there really ever be flying cars?

This is a question that we have asked ourselves since we were little, and movies like Star Wars fueled our desire to have one of these cars sometime in our lives. Well, this seems to be ceasing to be a dream. It seems that flying cars will be a latent reality in a short time, or in the not too distant future.

However, like all technological innovations, these will not be available to everyone from the beginning, because as we say, they are projects, or prototypes that will need improvements and find a way to manufacture them economically and at an accessible price. So, although you may have to wait to own one, it is likely that you will soon be able to order a flying taxi, or take a ride in one of those that hit the market.

Aston Martin seems to be achieving the dream of many with the Volante Vision Concept, a luxury flying vehicle ; the dream of many within the reach of very few. Let’s find out more about him!

Aston Martin’s flying car

One of the characteristics of this vehicle is that it has the ability to land and take off vertically, which is why it is known as VTOL. Although Aston Martin understands luxury, to develop the intrinsic technology of this new project it needed the help of Cranfield University, Cranfild Aerospace Solutions and Rolls-Royce.

According to the brand itself, its goal is “to take luxury personal transportation to heaven.” This particular model offers three seats for adults and is also hybrid, electric and autonomous. Has it all! Can you imagine already going shopping with one of them?

As expected, all the technology and components that are related to it are of the last resort, not to mention that they combine perfectly with the elegant and luxurious design that the Aston Martin brand always presents.

The best aerospace experts in the world, with specialties in propulsion and design, have come together to develop this design. A fusion of skills and concepts that has given birth to a more than daring and unprecedented design.

One of the reasons why a vehicle like this was developed was explained clearly and concisely by Aston Martin President and CEO Andy Palmer, who explained:

“With the population in urban areas growing, soon the congestion in the cities will be increasing and therefore more demanding. It is necessary and urgent to seek alternative solutions that help reduce congestion, pollution and improve mobility ”.

In addition, it ensures that air transport will soon be the only means in which we will move, as it will not only help to take care of the environment, but also allow us to save time. If a person takes an hour and a half to get to work by public transport, with the Aston Martin flying car, they will be able to get it in three times less time. This does not seem important, but it opens a new world of possibilities to the world of work that could improve the lives of many people.

All the participants, Rolls-Royce and Cranfield University, Cranfild Aerospace Solutions are delighted to have participated in this project that in the long run will not only be a futuristic car but a way of caring for the planet and improving the quality of life of many people.

A pioneering project with hybrid-electric propulsion technologies that will make air mobility a reality. What are you dying to drive one?

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