9 Keys To Avoid Sleeping While Driving

Putting into practice some tips to avoid fatigue at the wheel can save the lives of many people, including us, since fatigue is one of the most dangerous risks on the road
9 keys to avoid sleeping while driving

Sleep is something that can be unavoidable when driving. However, when we feel it, we must stop and rest without hesitation, even if it causes us to arrive late at our destination. After all, the important thing is to arrive, right? We want to give you some practical advice to avoid drowsiness when driving. 

Avoid sleep when driving, how?

Just by following a few simple tips, your driving can be safer as you can avoid drowsiness when driving. These are some:

Avoid driving during the hours you usually sleep

It seems obvious, right? Well, this is more important than you think since the body gets used to certain schedules. For example, if you have the habit of taking a nap between three and five, even if it is only half an hour, it is very likely that if you drive during those hours you will feel sleepy.

The same is true at night, even if you have had enough rest during the day. In fact, no matter how cool you feel, once it’s past two in the morning there is a good chance of falling asleep.

Wear sunglasses

Young guy driving with sunglasses.

The sun and light can be the cause of drowsiness during the day. Wearing glasses that reduce these, and also drinking enough water, juices and teas that refresh and hydrate us, will keep us awake for longer.

Don’t use the heating

An environment that is too hot and pleasant when driving can promote sleep. If you feel like the heating is already fulfilling this role, turn on the air conditioning to wake up.

If you also have water in the car, a little on your neck will also help.


Loud music and singing will help distract you from sleep. It will keep you awake, and you will also have fun. Put some music in your life!

Drink coffee

Coffee or energy drinks are ideal to give you an extra supply of energy that keeps you active and prevents you from falling asleep. Of course, remember that you must have an express cabin for them that allow you to take them and leave them without taking your eyes off the road.

Even if you are not sleepy for

If you talk about long trips, there is what is known as the rule of two. This means stopping every 200 kilometers or every two hours, resting for 15 minutes, and stretching your legs.

Don’t drive after work

We are not talking about going home, but about taking a longer trip, even if it is only a couple of hours right after work, when the body is exhausted.

This would make you feel fatigued and the dream would try to dominate you. There are circumstances that can be avoided, and surely this is one of them.

Ask for company

The company is good to avoid fatigue.

If you have no choice but to drive while tired, ask someone to come with you and talk to you and help you stay awake. It should also be a person who can drive and swap roles with. Everything is easier between two.

Make a stop

If you have tried everything even so you feel that the dream conquers you, do not wait, do not think about it, stop! Sometimes a nap of fifteen or twenty minutes and a little cold water on your face afterward can make you feel like new.

Remember that one second can change everything. In fact, it is estimated that a driver under normal conditions takes a second to react, while if you are fatigued, it could take twice as long. One second, just that, it would take your life or other people’s. Do everything you can to prevent this from happening.

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