What Fuel To Choose When Buying A Car?

There are a multitude of options, such as diesel, gasoline, hybrids or electric; however, the purchase price, annual mileage, consumption, the possibility of breakdowns or the availability of an electricity recharging point must be taken into account.
What fuel to choose when buying a car?

One of the biggest unknowns that arise when buying a car is which fuel to choose. Before it was easy, since there were only two options, but there are more and more that we can choose and this makes the decision complicated. We help you to know what factors you should take into account before choosing.

What fuel to choose? Diesel?

Like everything in life, diesel has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s see what they are.


Diesel has a series of associated advantages that, if the numbers come out, can be very beneficial in the long run. The first, without a doubt, is the cost of fuel. Although the difference in the cost of one and the other fuel is less and less, that of consumption is still significant.

LPG vs diesel performance

Its price, although less significant than before, is still 5% lower  than gasoline. This will be profitable for you as long as you do more than 25,000 kilometers a year.

And another factor to take into account is that,  when selling your car, you can always get a little more out of it than if it were gasoline, although, taking into account that you have paid more before, we do not know how much this point matters to you.


One of the main disadvantages is the price of the car. A diesel car usually costs around two thousand or three thousand euros more than a gasoline one. This, as we explained before, will be profitable as long as you do at least 25,000 kilometers to your vehicle.

In addition, related to this, the maintenance of a diesel is also higher, and with a greater probability of failure it needs greater care. Another of the biggest disadvantages of diesel cars is that there are already many cities that are banning them.

What fuel to choose? Gasoline?

Like diesel, it also has advantages and disadvantages. These are some:


One of the advantages is that the car you buy, if it is gasoline, will cost you an average of two to three thousand euros less. That is already a huge early advantage.

The cheapest gas stations in Spain.

Repairs will be cheaper, and breakdowns less frequent. As well as it should also be noted that taxes and prices when passing the ITV are lower in a gasoline car.


The only disadvantages that seem to exist in gasoline cars are the cost of fuel and consumption, since as we said in diesel, a gasoline consumes about two liters more per 100 kilometers than a diesel.

The price of fuel is also higher, but nothing compared to what it was ten years ago. Rethink yourself if this is a determining factor for you when choosing a car.

And an electric car or a hybrid?

Undoubtedly, they are the cars of the future, since it is estimated that in a few years those of combustion will be eliminated and replaced by those that run on electricity. However, before deciding if you want one of these vehicles,  you should analyze the use that you are going to give it and the facilities you will have to recharge it.

We tell you this because they usually have a range of about 200 or 300 kilometers, so if you do a lot on the road it may not be feasible. You are the one who decides which fuel to choose, because only you know what you need.

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