What Is The Best Music For Driving

Depending on the time of day or the situation in which we find ourselves, stimulating or relaxing melodies will be more convenient; there are various apps, free or paid, to get behind the wheel
What is the best music for driving

Have you noticed that when you have the radio on sometimes music comes out that invites you to change it? This happens because there is better music for driving, while there are others that are not suitable.

Is there a better music for driving?

Today, with so much technology at our fingertips, the options for listening to music while driving have multiplied by the thousands. Today we can access all kinds of music, which makes us think about whether music influences driving. The answer is yes.

Moreover, depending on the moment in which we are driving, this must differ from others. For example, at night, tiredness lurks and driving becomes more monotonous, which is why the driver’s attention may be reduced. To avoid this, listen to stimulating and more active music or a radio program that interests you and keeps you awake.

When you approach your destination, no matter what time of day it is, it is best to have relaxing music that puts your adrenaline in place and helps you to a greater concentration of the signs of the place that will guide you to your final destination. .

Music at the wheel

When driving in the city, our ‘ chip ‘ turns on automatically, as there are so many movements of pedestrians and other vehicles that we cannot afford to be distracted. Therefore, no matter what music we listen to, our attention will not diminish.

Traffic jams are another story, because music that alters our emotions too much could lead to stress and anger, which would make driving something not very pleasant. Relaxing music or a radio talk show will help us keep our spirits calm.

It has been proven that music that stimulates psychomotor movements, or that is associated with stimulating scenarios, such as those that sound in bars or discos, greatly distracts us from driving and there are specific moments in which we should avoid them.

Music at the wheel

What are the best apps to listen to music for driving

As we said before, technology has changed our lives in many ways, and listening to music is one of them. There are dozens of applications with which you can listen to music for free in some of its versions. These are the best we have found online:


It was crowned the queen of music listening apps thanks to the fact that its free version was quite complete. However, it does not allow you to listen to the specific song you want, but the album of the artist you prefer.

The only downside that we could put to its free  version is that advertising is often displayed. Even so, it allows you to have favorites, playlists and is compatible with all processors.

Google play

We already know that when Google does something, it does it well. Its music application was not going to be less, although it does not have a free version and costs 9.99 euros per month. You can listen to music offline so that it does not consume data from your phone and, in addition, you can buy music and store it in the memory of your phone. Thus, if at any time you want to cancel the service, you can continue listening to music.


Deezer is the most versatile of the music apps as it has two versions: Premium and Premium +. After the first 15 days of trial you can choose the first for 4.99 euros or the second for 9.99 euros ; everything will depend on the use you are going to give it.

The Premium version will allow you to listen to all the songs you want, while the Premium + will let you create playlists and access them from various devices.

Deezer is the app that many car brands are including in their radio systems so that you can connect it directly with your vehicle.

Apple Music

And the queen of apps is undoubtedly Apple Music, since it has anything you ask of it. It does not have a free version and costs 9.99 euros, but those who have it say they would even be willing to pay more. The only problem with this app: it only works for iOS.

Seeing the options you have, choose the app that best suits you, the music you like and your pocket. Put on some music and drive!

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