Discover The VEA Plan To Buy Electric Cars

The proposal is part of the incentive guaranteed with 0.6% of the General State Budgets, on the purchase of gas vehicles, plug-in hybrids and electric; In addition, the game will guarantee recharging points that meet the needs of users
Discover the VEA plan to buy electric cars

There have been several plans launched in Spain to promote the consumption of electric cars and alternative energies. After different tests with the Movea and Movalt plans, the government launches the VEA (Alternative Energy Vehicles) plan for 2018. The bet implies an investment of almost 17 million euros.

How to access the VEA plan?

Acquiring a vehicle that uses electrical energy to run involves a considerably high initial investment. The VEA Vehicles plan facilitates this expense for both companies and the self-employed as well as individuals.

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Those who wish to access electric cars or other alternative energies will find discounts of between one thousand and two thousand five hundred euros.

The benefits table indicates that, for cars up to € 10,000, the discount will be € 1,100; from 10,001 to 25,000, the aid will be € 2,500. As for the requirements of the VEA plan , they are the same as those required in the Movea.

The procedure to access this type of economic benefits is very simple. It is done directly at the concessionaires, who will be in charge of applying the corresponding discount depending on the case.

It is important that those who are interested in accessing the help of the VEA plan, approach the dealerships to inquire about the availability and stock of cars.

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The idea of ​​collaborating with the care of the environment and saving a few pesos is very tempting. In this sense, the VEA plan helps to promote a type of energy about which little is known . Electric cars and plug-in hybrids have grown in recent years in terms of number of models.

Currently, there are a not inconsiderable number of 43 electric car models to choose from ; a percentage that has nothing to envy to vehicles powered by non-renewable energies. As for the characteristics of electric cars, they have been improving remarkably over time.

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Characteristics of the VEA Plan

The VEA Vehicles plan is part of an investment in the energy and vehicle industry of 50 million euros. The project is managed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.

On this basis , 16.6 million will be allocated to ‘actions to promote sustainable mobility’. Based on similar previous bets, it is stipulated that the budget will probably run out in a few hours.

In total, the promotion of consumption is directed, in addition to electric vehicles, to cars that use gas : Liquefied Gas (LNG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). The current Spanish budgetary situation, according to what the Government assures, does not allow a greater investment than that destined in the area.

On the other hand, the VEA plan program is divided into two parts. On the one hand, the part destined for the purchase by individuals or companies of alternative energy vehicles.

Continuing with the economic planning, an extra part of the budget will be used for the implementation of infrastructures to provide such energies : the VEA Infrastructures.

Grants to implement charging points

One of the reasons why alternative energies do not get the prominence they deserve is because of the scarce distribution of recharging points on the roads.

The VEA plan would solve this problem of lack of infrastructure. The intention would be, in this way, to promote the installation of recharging points that guarantee the use of vehicles.

Consumers fear that the budget allocated to the VEA plan is insufficient in relation to the number of alternative energy cars in existence. Not much is really known about the figures for the construction of these points yet.

Regarding the electricity supply points, the Government has shown interest in having a quick recharge for these vehicles. In this sense, the infrastructures of the VEA plan would be in line with the CIRVE project.

It should be remembered that the CIVE project aims to provide the Iberian corridors with strategic points for recharging alternative and sustainable energies.

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