When Are The 15 Points Of The Driving License Awarded?

The accumulation of 15 points, the maximum possible, is literally a matter of time, since it requires a registration without infractions that imply subtractions in the balance of points granted by the DGT during a period of six consecutive years
When are the 15 points of the driving license awarded?

The loss of driving license points is one of the most frequent concerns of Spanish drivers. Most feel defenseless against the imposition of sanctions that they consider unjust.

Another group of users may attribute his immaculate record to a combination of driving skills and adherence to the law. Even good luck is a factor that some even consider.

A driver with 12 points on his license will receive two additional units for the first three years free of penalties. If after the next 36 months he maintains the line of good behavior, he will get an extra point, the number 15.

Eight points to start

The first driver’s license that a person will obtain will come with a balance in favor of eight points. Once new drivers are three years old with no incidents to report, they will reach the 12 point level. In this scenario, you can aspire to the 15-point category.

How to lose driving license points

Despite how volatile driving credit theft can sometimes be, some people are not entirely clear about the remaining infractions. As well as the exact amount of points that are lost in each case.

Less common fines, traffic penalties.

The offenses typified in the law that negatively affect the registration of those who sit behind the wheel of a car, are the following:

-3 points

This first group includes infractions that, although they are the mildest among those with points subtraction, are still potentially dangerous. Making a U-turn in a forbidden zone is one of them.

Three points are also lost by  not using the seat belt, or child restraint equipment, helmets or others, depending on the circumstances.

In this category appear the faults related to the use of cell phones and mobile devices. From talking on the phone without the use of hands-free, sending or reading text messages, to programming the car navigator while driving.

The habit of having too many distractions at the wheel, using headphones or other equipment that generates distractions, are also subject to sanction.

-4 points

In this category, the penalties start from driving without the necessary license, according to the category of the vehicle. It is contemplated having the license suspended or operating a car not authorized to circulate on public roads.

The same four-point penalty applies to those who throw objects that can cause fires, accidents or hinder circulation.

Disrespect for pedestrian crossings, crossing priorities or red lights is also penalized with 4 points; likewise, making undue overtaking, putting cyclists at risk, not keeping safe distances and driving in reverse on motorways or highways.

Four points are also lost when instructions from traffic officers are deliberately ignored. As well as driving with a level of alcohol greater than 0.25 milligrams per liter of exhaled air.

BAC security control

-6 points

The highest penalties occur when: the use of the speed limiter is altered or equipment is installed that inhibits the retention systems of the radars. Also when driving under the influence of narcotic substances or with a level of alcohol greater than 0.50 milliliters per liter of exhaled air .

Refusing to submit to breathalyzer or drug tests results in the same penalty. Reckless driving, in the opposite direction and participating in illegal races, are other offenses considered very serious.

How to recover the points?

The driver can recover a maximum of six points, if he chooses to take a road awareness and re-education course. (It can only be done once every two years).

In the same way, if no points are lost in a 24-month period, the index will automatically return to the initial 12 units. If the record contains very serious infractions (loss of 6 points), the waiting time will be 36 months.

Drivers who lose the entire balance of their driving license will have to pass a road awareness and re-education course, as well as pass a theoretical exam at a traffic authority. This after a waiting period of six months from the imposition of the suspension.

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