Know The 10 Items That You Should Always Carry In The Car

The idea is not to carry an entire mechanical workshop in the suitcase, but there are elements that cannot be missing; Here is a list of the nine things you should store in your vehicle
Know the 10 items that you should always carry in the car

Water, reflective vest and tools are just a few things that we should always carry in the car. Many drivers forget this and a situation always ends up occurring where they need one of these elements.

The fact of traveling by car is not always the assurance that we will arrive safely at our destination. Different incidents and contingencies can arise at any time and change the agenda.


The vital fluid is important to both you and your car. In an emergency the liquid element will keep us hydrated; in addition, it will be useful in the middle of an engine overheating. The ideal is to always carry two bottles: one to drink and the other for any eventuality.

Reflective vest

European laws state that the reflective vest must be used in the middle of accidents or breakdowns. Its function is to make us visible when walking on the road, preventing other drivers from running over us. Not carrying the vest in the car could generate an inexpensive, but unwanted fine.

Signal traffic accident.

First aid kit

When we travel the highway there is always risk of accidents. For this reason, it is necessary to have a first aid kit, which will facilitate our immediate attention in the midst of an emergency.

In the medicine cabinet we must keep bandages, antiseptics, gauze, scissors and cotton at least. It will never be too much to add other medications.


Flashlights should always be carried in the car, as they are very useful during nighttime emergencies. This simple device will allow us to check engine breakdowns, search for items inside the suitcase and even change tires.

We could even use the flashlight to attract the attention of other drivers during an accident that puts us off the road, or in the event of darkness at night, etc.

Specialized snow accessories

With the arrival of winter it is mandatory to include snow chains. These chains are ideal for preventing tires from slipping and skidding. On the other hand, having a shovel could come in handy in case you get caught on a snow covered road.

Snow chains

Fire extinguisher

In the middle of a collision, there is always the probability that some component will ignite. Smoke and flames could cause an explosion and the only way to avoid this is with the fire extinguisher.

If we cannot move during the incident, an external conductor could stop the fire with our extinguisher. Additionally, this device could be very useful in some engine breakdowns.

Warning triangles

This is another device that cannot be missing according to European laws. It is placed 50 meters from any accident, to mark the area. The fine for not having this object varies from € 91 to € 300. Two triangles must be carried, in the event that the claim occurs in a double track.

Always carry a toolbox in the car

In this list it is impossible that the tool kit is missing, especially since in it we will find the solution to many mechanical problems .

The most important thing is to have wrenches, hammer, screwdrivers, pliers and electrical tape. We can put some other things, but carrying tools in excess will not be necessary either.


It may seem obvious, but perhaps your tour could be interrupted rather by the Civil Guard. When we move by car, the correct thing to do is to have a driver’s license, the vehicle’s technical data sheet, tax payment documents and also insurance.

what to take in the car documentation water mobile charger emergency triangles
Vehicle documentation is something that we must always keep well located.

All this documentation will allow us to demonstrate to the authority that we have the papers in order and also respond to certain special circumstances in which we are involved.

Wheel change kit

The tools to change wheels will almost always be in the car, but some people remove them to have more storage space.

We are not just referring to the spare tire and hydraulic jack. In fact, there are also repair kits with rivets and special foams that will allow us to reach technical service with a flat tire.

This basic list of items that you should always carry in the car. Of course, the most cautious could add something else: emergency lights, pillows, etc. The ideal is simply to be cautious.

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