Are Women Calmer When Driving Than Men?

As much as we talk about equality and that we can all do everything, we have to recognize that we are different, and that both genders are limited in some actions that the other does better, does this affect driving?
Are women calmer when driving than men?

“It sure is a woman!” Whether you are a man or a woman, surely at some point you have said or heard someone say this phrase. Due to the way women drive, a myth has been created that they do it wrong. Is this true? Many believe that it is just because women are calmer when driving. What do you think?

Why we drive different

It is a fact, our way of feeling and acting is also different, as well as our way of reacting to adverse situations or when facing dangers. Women tend to be more fearful of rushing forward, while men are more daring.

Women drive better than men.

This sometimes, relating it to driving, may or may not be good. But in general, if we want to know more about whether women are calmer driving than men, we must stick to real data.

The data

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) always has updated data, both for drivers and accidents. In the 2015 report, for example, it is stated that 76% of the deceased were men compared to 24% who were women. 

Woman driving.

Without going to such serious ranges, it was confirmed that the injured and hospitalized were also mostly men, more than women. These data confirm a latent truth, and that is that men drive faster, are more aggressive and make more reckless maneuvers.

Women, on the other hand, are calmer when driving and do not dare to make dangerous maneuvers, much less to reach extreme speeds. It is believed that 63% of fatal accidents in recent years were due to speeding, most of which was caused by men.

Even so, there is a small percentage of accidents that are caused by technical failures of the vehicle, and in this case, women have the upper hand, since men check cars much more, especially when making a trip than women. women.

Women are calmer when driving, because of the hormones?

Although the absence of testosterone had never been linked to driving, a study carried out in Germany indicated that women have problems parking and reading maps due to low testosterone levels.

Although this could be an incredible fact, they made sure to give correct figures by testing 40 women who gave the same results.

Another influencing factor is that women are emotional while men are rational. What does this imply? Well, it is simple, women get nervous more easily and are very likely to panic when driving, while men remain calm and therefore dare to more dangerous maneuvers.

Woman behind the wheel.

So if we ask ourselves who drives better or worse, we cannot give a clear answer. Considering that men drive aggressively and fast, women’s driving can be painful for them, and vice versa. Women will think the same about men’s driving.

It could not be said that men or women drive better, but the data is there, and the truth is that women suffer fewer accidents and that is one of the reasons why insurers offer their services to the female public at a cost lower.

So yes, women are calmer when driving than men, which has been shown in accident rates and on a day-to-day basis when we come across them on the street.

Of course, as we must always remember that this topic is treated in a very general way, as it is possible that there are women who are crazy about speed, as well as men who are very cautious at the wheel.

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