Blind Spot, A Known Danger

Visibility is a key factor in avoiding accidents and improving safety behind the wheel.
Blind spot, a known danger

The blind spot is that space that escapes the vision of the drivers, since it is not reflected in the rear-view mirrors nor is it possible to see it with “the naked eye”.

The terrible blind spot is responsible for a significant number of traffic accidents. The worst results occur when those involved in the collisions are two vehicles of very different proportions. Which is not to say that if a full-speed collision occurs between two similar cars, the results are not potentially catastrophic.

Looking to the front … to the sides and back

In the early days of the automotive industry, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, early vehicles demanded exclusive attention from drivers only to what was directly in front of them. As more people got hold of a car, looking straight ahead was no longer enough. Drivers have had to start paying attention to what happens to the sides and back of our vehicle.

Blind angle rear view mirror traffic safety accidents
Adjusting the mirrors, both side and center, is a basic safety measure.

In this way the rear view mirror was born . It is a device that, although it is hard for us to imagine,  took more than three decades to become a regular accessory.

Technologies to eliminate blind spot risks

By the end of the 20th century, with cities and highways full of vehicles and with increasingly fast models, rear-view mirrors were no longer sufficient. Talking about the blind spot and its dire figures became common.

Engineers from the motor industry took charge of the situation, giving rise to technologies for detecting objects in blind spots.

The Volvo brand , in the distant 2004, was the first company to present a car with these systems.

Today, these mechanisms are present in a significant number of vehicles. To work well, they use cameras, ultrasound sensors and radars, managing to warn drivers about the presence of other vehicles in sensitive areas. They emit visual, sound and in some cases, vibratory signals.

Reduce risks “old fashioned”

Although technologies for detecting vehicles in blind spots are increasingly advanced, a significant number of cars still do not have it incorporated.

For these cases, there are some recommendations to consider to reduce the risk of collisions.

Correctly adjust the rear view mirrors

These reflective glasses have a very specific function, they must offer drivers the fullest possible view of everything that happens to the sides and rear of the vehicle.

Ideally, the internal mirror should reflect the vehicles behind it, right in the center of the image. While the side mirrors do not have to show the doors or the body of the car. They should be aligned openly, so that they offer a wide viewing angle.

Turn your head to the side, whenever necessary

Before turning at an intersection, it is advisable to turn your head quickly to make sure there are no other vehicles nearby, respecting the Stopt and Yield signs.

Blind angle rear view mirror traffic safety accidents
It is necessary to ensure that there is no dead angle at a junction.

Sit correctly behind the wheel

Overconfidence is responsible for a significant number of traffic accidents. In order to be attentive to the surroundings of the vehicle, the person behind the wheel must sit in a correct posture, which in addition to allowing them to visually control everything in front of them, also makes it easier for them to use the mirrors.

It is vital that the driver is not aligned in his vision with the space between the front and rear doors. This is useful so that when you have to turn your gaze to look to the side, there is nothing to obstruct your visibility.

Common sense

Should avoid getting caught in the blind spots of other drivers. If you are going to overtake another car on a highway, this action must be carried out without delay.

Blind angle rear view mirror traffic safety accidents
With the number of cars in our cities and roads, the risks of accidents have increased considerably.

Using the turn signals

The flashing lights often seem more like an ornament than a functional element, it is important that before  changing lanes or crossing a corner, we indicate to other drivers that we are going to perform this maneuver.

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