Dogs In Two-seater Cars, Legislation

The owners of two-seater sports cars can take their mascot ‘as co-pilot’, as long as they respect a fundamental premise established in article 18 of the Spanish Highway Code …
Dogs in two-seater cars, legislation

Taking our dog in the car – whatever the vehicle and whatever dog it is – requires following a series of rules and complying with certain laws to avoid fines and, above all, to ensure the good of the animal. Today we are talking about the legislation for dogs in two-seater cars. Whether you have a two-seater car or not, this information interests you.

When it comes to a normal car, no problem. We all know, as we told you in a previous article, that there are seat belts with harness and carriers. Whichever method you choose, the dog should be in the back seat.

However, if the animal is very large, it must go in a carrier of its size in the trunk in a transversal way. What if the car has no rear seats? Let’s see what the law says.

What the law says about dogs in two-seater cars

This topic has always been much debated and highly sought after by those who have a two-seater as their only vehicle. The truth is that apparently there is a legal vacuum for this type of car,  since the Highway Code in article 18 says the following:

“The driver of a vehicle is obliged to maintain his own freedom of movement, the necessary field of vision and permanent attention to driving, which guarantee his own safety, that of the rest of the occupants of the vehicle and that of the other users of the vehicle. via. For these purposes, you must take special care to maintain the proper position and that the rest of the passengers maintain it, and  the proper placement of the objects or animals transported so that there is no interference between the driver and any of them . “

Dog in the front seat of the car

Therefore, it seems the responsibility of the owner of the dog and the car to ensure that the animal does not get in the way of driving. In the case of five-seater vehicles, this is done with a carrier or seat belt-harness at the rear

How to take dogs in two-seater cars

This rule can also be applied to two-seater cars, such as the Abarth 124 Spider, the BMW Z4 or the Mercedes SLC. However,  if the dog does not fit in the front in a carrier and you decide to put a harness, which you will have to hook to the seat belt, you must reduce the length of this by passing the strap behind the seat. 

Dog in the passenger seat

Another option – which we do not recommend – in a two-seater car is to use a carrier and put it in the trunk, although not many choose this system , as they think it is a form of animal abuse.

And it really is so, since an animal is not an object that we can transport in the trunk, but a living being that needs air to breathe and live. Something that you will not have in that cabin of the car.

Use common sense

There is no single law that indicates how to take dogs in two-seater cars, so you must use your imagination and common sense to preserve the life of your pet and avoid fines. If the dog is properly tied, and does not interfere with driving, you should not have any problem with fines.

However, remember that your priority should be to take care of your pet and do everything possible to save it in the event of an accident. Make sure the harness doesn’t have too much slack that it will pop out, but not too much slack that it can’t breathe. As we have said, use your common sense.

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