Everything You Need To Know About The Alternator

This device is a very important part of the vehicle, it is important to know what parts it is composed of, how it works, what types exist, what are the most frequent problems and how to take care of it
Everything you need to know about the alternator

Modern automobiles have components that require electrical power to function. The alternator is the mechanism that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy to power the battery and keep these components running.

What parts make up an alternator?

  • The pulley : It is located on the shaft of the alternator and receives the mechanical force that comes from the engine. That force is what moves the rotor.
  • The rotor : The pulleys rotate the rotor or inductor. This mechanism, thanks to rings that rub against each other, sends current to an electromagnet, producing a magnetic field that passes towards the coils so that they react.
  • Stator : it is the fixed part of the alternator where the three-phase coils are arranged, whose reaction generates electrical energy.
  • The regulator : it is responsible for keeping the energy that feeds the battery in balance.
  • Diode rectifier bridge : its function is essential, since it is responsible for converting alternating current into direct current and the car can use it.
  • The fan : works with the movement of the pulleys and keeps the alternator at the correct temperature, to prevent it from overheating.
  • The frame : it is generally made of aluminum and protects the entire structure of the alternator.
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How does the alternator work?

The alternator is connected to the engine by a belt. When the vehicle is started, the battery generates current that powers the rotor coils.

Once the car is started, the rotor turns and generates power. This energy is controlled by the regulator, allowing the correct operation of the electrical components of the car.

Frequent alternator problems

To know that the alternator is generating the necessary energy, you just have to look at the car’s dashboard. If the indicator light goes out, the operation is good.  If it blinks, the regulator is not receiving enough charge.

When the light does not turn off, the current is not directly reaching the alternator. It may be because the diodes in the bridge are cut or the brushes on the rotor rings are worn out.

The alternator needs a minimum of 12 volts to operate. If there are any problems, perhaps the battery is not generating them for the latter to work.

Other frequent breakdowns could cause strange noises; if this happens it may indicate that the belts are wearing out and need to be replaced.

When the electrical elements of the vehicle are not working with the same power as before, this means that the life of the alternator is coming to an end.

In all cases, when in doubt it is always better to go to a specialist mechanic to correctly diagnose what is happening.

Types of alternators

  • With liquid cooling : the liquid cooling system reduces noise and generates more current.
  • With alternating poles with slip rings : they have between 12 and 16 poles. These alternators are used in vehicles whose power must be greater, such as trucks for industrial use.
  •  Compact GC, KC, NC : they have 12 poles and are for vehicles that demand a lot of energy.
  •  The c ompactos second generation : as above, with a weight and improved function.
  •  Monobloc : it is similar to compact alternators but optimized for vehicles that need greater power output; this is the case of public buses.
Alternator of a car.

How to preserve the good functioning of the alternator?

Like all devices, alternators have a useful life cycle. However, it is possible to prolong its proper functioning by taking some preventive measures. For example, not leaving the vehicle lights on if it is not necessary.

The air conditioning of the car works thanks to the electricity produced by the alternator. So that the latter is not overloaded, it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature, be it hot or cold.

If possible, the car should be parked in the shade on hot days. In this case, it is good to roll down the car windows a moment before starting the engine to balance the temperature of the vehicle.

When making the purchase, the car battery has to be of quality. This ensures that the alternator works properly for a long time.

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