How To Price My Car

Beyond the rational and tangible issues such as mileage, registration date or type of fuel (diesel or gasoline), there are vehicles that enjoy a better status in the market, either because of the brand or from an iconic point of view.
How to appraise my car

The biggest problem when selling our car is determining its price. After several kilometers the cost is not proportional to that of the dealer, much less the affective value that we have. If you are in this process, surely you have asked yourself the big question: “How do I appraise my car?”

The reality is that we are not facing an exact science. The second hand market allows fluctuations and depends on many variables to consider. The good news is that having some basic notions we can establish a price that is not unreasonable. Let’s see what we should do.

How to appraise my car : first facts to know

The first information we need comes from us and from our car. Data regarding seniority is essential to establish a sales value. Therefore, the first thing to remember is the year and month of registration, as well as verify the current mileage.

Then we have more open variables, such as, for example, the amount of breakdowns and damage that the car accumulates. The correct thing to do is to do a check-up and make a list of the components that are bad, worn, or to be repaired. The condition of the tires, lights, mirrors also enters this study.

It will also be a priority to make an objective assessment of the condition of the body … Is there any paint missing? How many bumps and scratches do they have? Another aspect that will affect the value is the type of fuel used. In Spain and Europe, diesel cars are worth more than those that work with gasoline.

Used car valuation


Take a look at the market

The first source we can turn to for analysis is on the classifieds pages; In the big national and regional newspapers, vehicles are offered at all times. Starting to check those offers for a while will give us an idea about the behavior of the market.

Regional newspapers are important because they give an idea of ​​how the market is in our own territory. From here, we will seek to make comparisons and we will be able to observe how much other cars are marked according to age and brand.

Of course, this intellectual task will take us some time and effort. It will not be the only source of information, but it will be an excellent start. The next step will allow us to have a more complete look thanks to the internet.

On the Internet we can break down the information

E-commerce is in fashion, but sales websites are not just for selling. In fact, the way in which information is classified in these digital spaces will give us more clues. Putting a price on our vehicle will be more feasible.

We must remember that there are pages that have reference prices for hundreds of cars. This generates a certain standardization and that is why we can find an answer quite close to what we want. Search engines allow us to distinguish between make, model, age, and other variables.

We also need to check the app store. In them we can find tools such as Ganvam’s calculator. We refer to the National Association of Motor Vehicle Sellers . Obviously, in this organization they can have a clearer idea about it.

How to appraise my car with consultants and dealers?

Back when the internet was absent, dealers used professional car appraisers for advice. Even today there are people who take care of this work and many make inquiries through the Internet.

Vehicle appraisal at dealership
Vehicle appraisal at dealership

It is not a bad idea to ask for a professional opinion. However, if we decide to do it, the right thing to do is to compare your appraisal with the offers of the newspaper and the digital pages. This could give us a more accurate approximation.

Dealers are also helpful in appraising and searching for buyers. However, the price they will place is always below the second-hand market. After all, these businesses also want to make money.

One last tip is to check the status of our vehicle insurance. The more advanced insurance will allow us to make some arrangements and this will increase the value of the car.

After following all these tips, you will be able to find a price that is fair for the buyer and for you. If you were wondering “How to appraise my car?”, Now you have a little more information to get a good result.

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