Precautions When Driving In Snow

Faced with adverse weather conditions, it is convenient to be prepared, both in the technique and in the accessories for driving; chains or winter tires seem essential
Snow Driving Precautions

Driving requires extreme precautions, but when the weather seems to play against us, they must increase even more. We tell you what are the precautionary measures you should take when driving with snow.

Driving in snow, a danger, but not an impossible

The weather is becoming more and more unpredictable : it rains where it has never done it, there are extreme winds where it is not normal and a snowfall falls in the most unexpected places. No one is free from being surprised by the snow while driving.

We cannot wait to see ourselves in such a situation to think about what we should do. As drivers, it is our duty to be well informed, to ensure our safety, that of those who travel with us and that of others who are on the road.

To do this, we advise you a few small details to take into account if you see the possibility of having to drive in snow.

Get some chains

If you think that during the tour that you are going to do by car it is possible that a snowfall will fall on you, nothing better than to be cautious. Find some chains for the wheels. These can be found in car stores and are not very expensive, but they will be of great help in case you need them.

Snow chains

The chains will help the car to roll without slipping, as it will provide grip on the ground and the driving will be much safer.

Speed ​​down

If it starts to snow while driving, slow down. We must not forget that snow is water, after all, ice water. When it falls to the ground it becomes an extremely dangerous slippery substance. Therefore, as soon as you see signs that what is falling is snow, slow down as much as you can.

Turn on the lights

It does not matter if the snow falls with more or less intensity. Turn on your car’s lights to allow both those behind you and those ahead of you to spot you. You will appreciate that they have done the same.

How and when to use the different lights of a car.

Use high gears

Slipping with the car when driving in snow is easier than you imagine, even when you think that your car is a ‘ transformer’ that can handle everything. Regardless of the type of car you drive, drive with high gears, as this will allow you not to lose traction and not lose control of the car.

Drive smoothly

Do not make sudden movements with the steering wheel, as you could lose control of the vehicle. Drive smoothly and maintain control over the vehicle at all times. If you need to make a stop or take a detour, do it slowly; signal the movement and execute it without haste. Other drivers will do the same, so don’t worry about them.

Before driving in snow

If instead of seeing yourself faced with a snowfall, you have proposed a trip through areas where it is possible for it to snow, we advise you to be cautious. What can you do?

Watch the weather

Make sure you know the temperature and the weather conditions that will be during the trip. If you see that they are very bad and you think that the trip is not so necessary as to risk, cancel it and postpone it for another occasion.

Choose the right car

If even knowing that the weather conditions will not be ideal, you cannot postpone the trip, find out if your car is well prepared to drive with snow. Perhaps it is already very old, its tires are not good or its traction is not adequate. In this case, get another vehicle, either by asking a friend or by renting it.

Car tuning

Whatever car you have chosen for your trip, do not forget to stop by the workshop before traveling. Don’t forget to ask to have the levels, the steering and the brakes checked. You can choose to  put winter tires, although this will be an investment that you will have to analyze if it suits you.

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