Should I Buy An Electric Car?

Should I buy an electric car?

Taking care of the environment is something we all care about very much. As a reason for this, cars that run on electric power were launched a few years ago. They are still great unknown to many, those who wonder “should I buy an electric car?”.

To answer this question, we are going to see the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles and thus be able to choose the best option.

Should you buy an electric car?


  1. The absent polluting emissions. This is the first point that we can highlight as an advantage to buy an electric car. We are all concerned about the environment and we want our children to have a place to live. If we can do something to remedy the damage, why not do it?
  2. The low cost. Electric cars consume less than combustion cars. In fact, according to estimates, it has been concluded that this type of vehicle consumes only one euro per hundred kilometers. You can do a journey of a thousand kilometers for ten euros! You want to say goodbye to the plane.
  3. No noise pollution. The electric motors are not audible, they are silent, and this helps reduce noise pollution so present in cities. A somewhat forgotten pollution but that affects our health in unsuspected ways.
  4. Lower taxes. The taxes that these cars pay are lower than those of gasoline or diesel.
  5. Cheaper insurance. Insurance companies are also committed to caring for the environment and therefore offer cheaper insurance on these vehicles, with the idea of ​​encouraging their purchase. And of course, it must be said because its maintenance and its parts are much cheaper.
Jaguar I-Pace Spacious Electric Suv Car
Despite being an electric vehicle, the I-Pace sports good interior space.

Disadvantages of buying an electric car

In addition to all the advantages that we have discussed, which are enough to convince you that you have to buy an electric car, we want to talk to you about some disadvantages. You will only have to analyze everything and weigh if it compensates you.

  • Charging stations. There are not many electric charging stations I find in the country, for now. Electric cars are relatively new and there has not been enough time to create the necessary infrastructure to allow them to function. You should think about the use you want to give it, although today, we regret to tell you that they are not profitable for long trips.
  • They’re more expensive. There is a price difference that ranges between two thousand and four thousand euros, depending on the manufacturer, from buying a combustion car to an electric one. Meditate on saving fuel and think if it really pays off. Or maybe your awareness of caring for the environment is what weighs the most. It’s up to you.
  • Its autonomy. Although it is a huge achievement what has been achieved with this type of car, the truth is that the autonomy is not very great. Therefore, an electric car will be able to walk without having to respect an average of 200 kilometers. The advantage is that with just a fifteen minute charge you could drive fifty more. Of course, you will have to make sure where there are charging points on the route you want to do.
Where to charge electric car
  • It is different from the known. Braking, acceleration and everything that has to do with these vehicles is different from what we have always known. So, we must say that a process of adaptation is needed. Although this does not have to be a bad thing in itself, it is possible that it will make the more conservative and traditional to back down from buying an electric car.

It must be borne in mind, that although there are some disadvantages, electric cars are the future, since it is expected that they will only be the ones that circulate on our roads in the near future. What do we mean by this? That making an investment in a vehicle with such characteristics can be an investment for the future.

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