Traffic Signs That You Have Surely Forgotten

When we get our driving license we are forced to learn all kinds of signs and traffic legislation in full, but over the years some of them fall into ostracism
Traffic signs that you must have forgotten

For road safety, it is essential to know and obey all traffic signs. However, some of them are rare, or their meaning can be easily misunderstood. For them, we show you some traffic signs that you have surely forgotten.

Traffic signs that warn of danger

The triangular-shaped signs , with a red border and a white background, warn of some type of danger present on the road. When an arrow appears on it with some extension on one of its sides, this sign will indicate an intersection with priority over the side on which the arrow has the extension.

We can find intersections with priority on the right road, or on both. We can also find the danger sign for gravel, with the image of a car making some stones jump on its side.

Right curve sign.

Two approaching parallel lines indicate a narrowing in the road, while a simple exclamation point indicates “other types of hazards”.

This type of traffic signs have a great importance in road safety, since they warn us of the possible dangers present on the road. Taking these warnings into account will be essential to avoid possible traffic accidents.

Prohibition signs

Another important type of traffic sign is the prohibition sign. Obeying these types of instructions will avoid some sanctions, in addition to contributing to road safety. These signs are round, with a red border and a red stripe running through them diametrically.

These types of traffic signs prohibit certain dangerous behaviors, such as the well-known speed limits. Some of the most common but easy to forget are those prohibiting parking on odd or even days, with a blue background and one or two vertical white lines, respectively.

When this type of sign appears within a white square, with the entire image in gray and a black strip that crosses it from corner to corner, it means that the section of prohibition or limitation has ended.

Signs indicating priority

These types of traffic signs force us to give way to other vehicles on certain occasions. There are priority signs in various forms.

One of the easiest to forget is the circular one, with a red border and two arrows inside, one black and one red, pointing in the opposite direction. This sign indicates the existence of priority in that section of the road with respect to the opposite direction of traffic.

A well-known sign whose meaning may have been forgotten is the yellow diamond with a white border. This traffic sign indicates a route with priority over the rest.

Mandatory signs

These types of signs are circular in shape, like prohibition signs. However, its color is blue, with a white border. They will signal certain obligations when driving, such as a mandatory minimum speed, common on motorways and motorways.

It is important to distinguish these types of signs from prohibition signs, since, while the former may indicate a maximum allowed speed, they will show a minimum speed.

Some of the less frequent signs

There are some signs whose meaning, due to their infrequency on the roads, we may have forgotten. However, knowing them will be as important as with the others, since we must know how to act in case of seeing one.

R-408 signal

This sign indicates that you are about to enter an animal-drawn vehicle road. This type of vehicle will be obliged to circulate on these roads, but that does not exclude other vehicles from using them. Therefore, before this signal, we must be careful to find an animal-drawn vehicle and avoid it properly.

Speed ​​limits penalties fines legislation

Dangerous deer

In Spain, signs indicating the possible presence of wild animals on the road are not uncommon. In certain places, these animals will not only be an obstacle on the road that can cause an accident, but we can find particularly dangerous species.

Only for cyclists

These types of signs indicate that a certain road can only be traveled by cyclists and not by cars or motorcycles. Cyclists are especially fragile drivers when faced with accidents, and we must know how to react when we encounter one, or a group, on the road.

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